My teacher, Hiroyuki Naka, was here on July 7th to hold health consultations. We were fully booked, and I wanted to share a couple of the testimonials from the participants:
"Naka-san is focused, perceptive, present and kind - qualities needed to make someone feel special and important. He allowed me to feel the importance of health; I so appreciated his sharing his knowledge of foods and how to prepare them to enhance my health. I truly appreciated him focusing specifically on my needs.
I know he has the gift to help increase people's health through food, nature's own medicine to heal our own bodies. He is a reflection of his own authentic, genuine and healthy lifestyle - a true inspiration for me!
I felt honored and blessed to have had the opportunity to be evaluated and assisted by Mr. Hiroyuki Naka and I would highly recommend his health consultations to everyone IF their highest priority is health.
I look forward to my next health consultation with Mr. Hiroyuki Naka!" M. Kosasa
"I had a 90 minute consultation with Hiroyuki Naka and it was definitely worth every penny! It truly was a powerful and life-changing experience. Everything he said resonated with how I've been feeling and I loved that his advice for healing incorporated both food/physical and prayer/spiritual. When he encouraged me to pray for my inner self, I had chicken skin. He not only gave me the foods I should and should not eat but the words to use in my prayers. He understood me on so many levels and I strongly feel that if I follow his direction, my life will change dramatically for the better. It already has. He is a gifted soul and anyone would be blessed to have an encounter with his kind and knowing spirit. I will definitely follow-up with him again. It was crucial that I receive his guidance on my journey to wellness!! Mr. Naka was able to take everything I've learned so far from Dr. Shintani and even Macrobiotic Cooking classes and individualize a health plan specifically for me and my growth. This experience took everything to another level, a more personal level. We are all on our own journeys with our own issues and Hiroyuki Naka is the most gentle and wisest guide that can help each soul follow their own path to light. DO IT!!!" ~~ K. Loebl
"Hiroyuki Naka is a truly gifted counselor with insightful knowledge. He gave me invaluable advice and guided me to make healthy changes in my diet, cooking, and busy lifestyle. He possessed a keen sense of intuition about my health, and I was amazed that he understood and analyzed my condition so thoroughly within the hour I spent with him. I would highly recommend Hiroyuki Naka to anyone who wants to move toward a macrobiotic path of vibrant health!" F. Nishimoto