Friday, March 23, 2012

Food and Feng Shui

Workshop News: Live a healthy life through Food and Feng Shui!

A "wholistic" evening encompassing all aspects

of health in regard to food and environment

Alice Inoue and I would really love to see you have more of what you want in you life and to live healthier in every way. Whether it's food or feng shui, there are easy ways to shift your routine so that you can be more of the YOU that you want to be. This is a one-time event where we describe the benefits of embracing a new approach to your daily life through food and environmental awareness. We have so much to share with you, including tea and other special goodies. If you're really wanting to move forward with your health (whether that's financial, emotional, or physical) what we share can be applied to any area of your life.


Monday, March 26, 6 - 9 pm (Prince Kuhio Day)


Ala Moana Center, Macy's Special Events room


$60 per person before March 23.